PHP class implements example – PHP Interface

PHP class implements example What is an interface? An interface is a programming block which contains abstract methods, and used the same like abstract classes but with some differences. Interfaces can also be extended to the child classes but with “implements” keyword. Let’s see “PHP class implements” example for an Interface. Like an abstract class, … Read more

PHP abstract class and function – Abstraction in PHP

PHP abstract class and function – Abstraction in PHP PHP abstract class and function: In this chapter, we will see another object oriented programming feature that is an abstraction. The literal meaning of a word abstract is “existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence”. It means abstraction is … Read more

Inheritance in PHP Object Oriented Programming

Inheritance in PHP What is Inheritance? In general, Inheritance in PHP is a concept of relationships. In simple English meaning of inheritance is when a child acquired any properties or qualities from a parent then it will be called as an inheritance. In the same way, relationships can be created between classes. In classes also … Read more

Public and Private in PHP-Access Modifiers in PHP OOPs

Public and Private in PHP What are the access modifiers and what are there use? We have already used “public” access modifier in our previous chapters in class properties and methods. In this tutorial, you will learn more about the Public and Private in PHP more specifically what are the access modifiers in PHP. In … Read more

PHP Class Constructor and Destructor

PHP Class Constructor and Destructor In the previous tutorial, we have seen the use of $this variable to point out the current calling object of a class. In this tutorial, you will see what are PHP Class Constructor and Destructor methods and their working in detail. There are many magic methods available in Object oriented PHP. … Read more

Object Oriented PHP tutorial-Detailed Guide

What is Object Oriented PHP? Object Oriented PHP: Before looking into what is object oriented PHP, let’s see some background. Look around you! Everything around you is an object. Even you yourself is an object. Every object has a specific type. Like you, a male or a female is of type Human. The chair you are … Read more