PHP variables type

This chapter will explain PHP variables in details. What is variable? As its name suggests variable is a thing which can vary. In programming terms, the PHP variable is a container which can store data. And we can vary its data at any time we need. It’s basically a memory location having a specific memory address and having … Read more

PHP Syntax

In this tutorial, we will see the PHP syntax in details.To write PHP code you need to surround it using PHP tags. This will differentiate PHP code with other codes. There are four types of PHP syntax for tags. PHP syntaxes are as below: Long form syntax – <?php ….. ?> This is Most commonly … Read more

How to install PHP on windows

To install PHP on windows and to run any PHP application you require 3 basic components: 1. Web server software: This is just a virtual web server which runs on your PC. For Windows system default is Internet Information System (IIS). And other is Apache server, which is free and widely used to install PHP on windows. … Read more

PHP Programming Introduction

In PHP programming introduction we will see what exactly is PHP, where it is used for and its features. PHP is widely used for web application development. So before beginning with PHP programming introduction, first let us see what is a web application and then we will see how we can use PHP to develop a web application. … Read more